Community of Lights: Christmas & Spinato's
Community of Lights: Christmas & Spinato's
Christmas time always brings happy memories of my childhood. My mom busing herself in the kitchen making something yummy. Smells of cinnamon and sugar in the air. The house was always warm and lit with Christmas decorations. My brother and I would spend time making and remaking maps to get to the Christmas tree to execute our adventure in the wee hours of Christmas morning, so our parents didn't know that we were shaking presents and trying to guess what was in them before the appropriate time of waking them up.
Out of all those happy memories, one of my favorite family traditions on Christmas Eve was to jump in the car with hot chocolate loaded with marshmallows, dressed in cozy jammies to drive around the neighborhoods to look at Christmas lights. The stillness of the night mixed with the excitement of possibilities for the morning to come was complete bliss.
Spinato's and Christmas: A Family Tradition
Fast forward 30 years and Anthony and I have carried on that tradition with our children. It still happens to be one of my favorite traditions. We get bundled up with hot cocoa, most likely coffee for the adults and set out on an adventure through the neighborhoods. To this day my favorite neighborhood is off of 56th st. and the 101. The ENTIRE neighborhood decorates their street. I appreciate the commitment and time that this neighborhood has continued to have in sharing the joy of Christmas with others. Most likely they will never fully know how many families lives have been touched year after year by their generosity to the community. Knowing now what I didn't know then, the seasons of life, the trials and triumphs, my appreciation for these neighbors to come together and take the time to put together an experience for people they do not know, is a selfless act of kindness.
Spinato's and the local Phoenix Community
Our team at Spinatos has recognized those selfless acts of kindness and with our commitment to community we wanted to do something nice for a neighborhood. This year Spinatos will be gifting a pizza party to a neighborhood who has spent their time giving the gift of joy to families throughout the valley by decorating with Christmas lights.
We also wanted to share with our guests the houses to go visit with your friends and family members.
~Jaime Spinato