Happy 50th Birthday with a fun twist on Community
Happy 50th Birthday with a fun twist on Community
We turn 50 this year! It's exciting to think about how far we've come and where we want to go. It's a time of reflection and introspect, thinking about what we did right and what we could have done better. Feeling gratitude in our hearts for the guests and employees that helped build Spinato's one brick at a time.
I'm thankful to my mother and father-in-law that regardless of their first day in business selling 0.69 cents that they were determined to wake up and do it all over again in hopes that their business would survive, and to my husband and sister-in-law at age 6 and 8, would go to the restaurant after school and work until close. I don't mean "work" as in sit there while their parents worked--I mean cleaning spinach that came in sandy from the fields, making pasta sauce with grandma, meatballs with grandma and grandpa, and doing dishes. At the ripe age of 10 and 12 they were making pizzas and pulling them from the ovens and helping mom serve our guests. It has been and continues to be a family business.
As I was typing this, I was thinking about what life was like in 1974. The Sears Tower in Chicago became the tallest building. The average cost of a home was $34,900 and the average income was $13,900. Gas, if you can believe it, was 0.49 cents! Times have changed as well as our business. It has grown and evolved over the years. There have always been bittersweet moments that have come with growth. Our restaurants look a little different from the red and white checker tablecloths and the family might not be the one who makes your pizzas but our commitment to our guests, staff, and community has not changed.
We decided that for our 50th Birthday we wanted to make an unbelievably delicious and unique pizza for a wonderful cause. This pizza is named after our 50 years in business, 'Stay Golden.' In honor of my father-in-law and his father, Grandpa Tony, who both served our country. We found an incredible foundation called Magicians on Mission to donate a portion of proceeds from every 'Stay Golden' pizza to further their efforts to entertain and spread joy to our active-duty service members.
Magicians on Mission is a non-profit 501c3 organization that's purpose is to produce Live Magic & Comedy tours and gift boxes for active-duty service members in the military. Magicians on Mission is one of three privately run non-profits that go oversees to tour and put on Live Magic and Comedy shows for our deployed military. They are dedicated to boosting the morale and emotional health of American soldiers while they’re away from home. If you'd like to learn more about Magicians on Mission, click on the link below. And don't forget to celebrate our birthday with us by ordering a Stay Golden pizza that helps benefit Magicians on Mission!
Sign up to for the Magicians On Mission newsletter to learn more, and receive a free personal pizza card from Spinato's Pizza!
~Jaime Spinato